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How to Be An Everyday Confidence Coach
Session 1: Why Confidence?
ACI's Curriculum
Lecture: Introduction to course and content (11:47)
Book: "Confidence is a Choice: Real Science. Superhero Impact."
Session 2: Defining Confidence
Worksheet: Session 2
Lecture: What is (and what isn't) Confidence? (24:23)
Session 3: The Science of Confidence
Worksheet: Session 3
Lecture: Basic Brain Science & MetaConfident Thinking (18:39)
Session 4: Confidence Compromisers
Worksheet: Session 4
Lecture: Confidence Villains & Kryptonite (14:32)
Session 5: Measuring Confidence
Confidence Quotient
Session 6: Mastering Mindset
Worksheet: Session 6
Lecture: Mindset Shifts & Tips (15:08)
Session 7: Confidence Indicators
Worksheet: Session 7
Lecture: Values, Wants & Needs (26:37)
Session 8: Confident Decision Making
Worksheet: Session 8
Lecture: Making More Confident Decisions (10:41)
Session 9: Taming Triggers
Worksheet: Session 9
Lecture: Taking control of your confidence (11:54)
Video: Clip from "Divergent"
Session 10: Autonomic Overrides
Worksheet: Session 10
Lecture: Overriding Autonomic Responses (8:40)
Session 11: How to Communicate Confidence
Worksheet: Session 11
Lecture: Confident eyes, Face, body, words, and conversations (16:26)
Video: Oprah interviewing Mandela
Video: TED talk by Julian Treasure on "How to Speak so that people want to listen"
Session 12: Coaching Confidence
Worksheet: Session 12
Lecture: How to Coach Confidence (19:11)
Certification Info
Lecture: Confident eyes, Face, body, words, and conversations
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